
If we could only use one word to describe Bromo, we’d say ‘magnificent.’
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Padang Escapeplanner
As the capital city of West Sumatra, a province renowned for its tasty, spicy food, Padang is the gate of an unforgettable culinary adventure.
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The towering Mount Rinjani (3,726 m) in Lombok is not only the second highest volcano in Indonesia but also one of the most beautiful mountains around the archipelago.
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Aceh was part of many kingdoms. The remnants of the old time can still be found throughout the region, either as ancient ruins in deserted places or as unique traditions inherited from one generation to the next. In 2004, Aceh was devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami. Yet, after years of rebuilding and reconstruction, the...
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Around a decade ago, before the Indonesian blockbuster movie, Laskar Pelangi was released.
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Malang was once a part of an ancient kingdom of Java.
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